Upcoming Programs |
March 25, 2023 |
Don't miss out! The museum's calendar is filled with upcoming program opportunities. Deadlines are fast-approaching for registrations and applications.
Explore spring and summer opportunities for adults, teens, and school-aged kids below. Connect with Angela at a.allred@cvmuseum.com or call the museum at 715-834-7871 for support with registration.
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Wool Spinning Class on April 1stRegister by March 31st! |
Workshop held Saturday, April 1, 12:00-3:00 pm at Chippewa Valley Museum. Make your own beautiful yarn under the guidance of Janie Mininger. The class is geared for beginners and those who desire a refresher course. Class fee includes use of spinning wheel, roving, and personalized instruction.
Ages 13 and Older | 2-4 students only | Cost: $90/student ($80 CVM members)
Contact Karen Jacobson at k.jacobson@cvmuseum.com for details. |
Register Now |
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The Schlegelmilch Garden StoryWednesday May 3rd, 517 S Farwell St, 6:30- 7:30 pm |
Daffodils stand as the first springtime garden blooms at the Schlegelmilch House. Photo taken ca 2017. |
What better way to celebrate a successful yard clean-up at the Schlegelmilch House** than by hosting a garden-themed program?
The Schlegelmilch House has stood downtown since the 1870s, but the blooming garden there is a much newer feature. Join the volunteers who manage and maintain the garden at the corner of Lake and Farwell Streets for a program revealing original garden plans and the ongoing caretaking that has created this downtown centerpiece. Enjoy a self-guided tour of the curated rooms in the house following the program. Cost: $10 ($8 CVM Members).
Register by April 3rd to receive an early-bird discount!
| Register for Program
**The Amazing Eau Claire Clean-Up is happening on April 22nd, 9a - 12p. Visit the city's website to find out how you can join the effort to clean-up planters, walkways, paths and parks throughout the city, including at the Schlegelmilch House. Volunteers must pre-register by April 15th.
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2023 Summer Teen Guide Program Applications due April 15th |
For teens entering grades 8 - 12, the CVM Teen Guides program offers a chance to build workplace skills and make connections with museum volunteers, visitors, and staff.
Program participation involves a training week in early June and flexibly scheduled service hours across a range of available positions. If you or someone you know is looking for a great opportunity to build skills, connections, and an understanding of local history, don't wait to find out more about this opportunity.
Find out more! |
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Register Now for Summer Programs
Summer 2023 youth workshops available for grades 1-5 | .jpg) |
Children trying out the frying pan in the Tall Tales Room at the logging museum.
Time Travelers programs are offered for 1st - 5th graders at $8 per session + $5 material fees. Classes run 90 minutes and every class includes a project and snack plus a unique exhibit experience. See class details
Dairy Daze: June 27th General | June 28th ECASD
All Stars: July 11th General | July 12th ECASD
Logging Camp Lore: July 18th General | July 19th ECASD at the Wisconsin Logging Museum and Paul Bunyan Logging Camp
On the Move: July 25th General | July 26th ECASD
Students living within Eau Claire Area School District (ECASD) boundaries should register for ECASD- Only sessions** on Wednesdays to take advantage of special pricing arrangements. Chippewa Valley Museum members can participate in General Sessions on Tuesdays for the cost of materials.
Contact Museum Educator Karen Jacobson with any questions regarding children's programs at k.jacobson@cvmuseum.com | (715) 834-7871
** ECASD families may register for morning or afternoon classes on Wednesdays. Two afternoon sessions currently have waitlists.
Registration and information for individual sessions is available now on the museum website |
Class Details and Registration Link |
| Members, don't forget to log-in when registering for programs! |  |
Volunteer John Suppon presents his group's model railroad layout of 1930s Eau Claire for a Collecting the Valley program in January 2023. |
Don't miss out on program discounts connected to your museum membership! When registering for programs online, discounts are automatically applied for members who have logged in. The registration system works best when members log in and use consistent names to register. Reach out to Jill York at j.york@cvmuseum.com if you are a member who would like help with your log-in profile.
Not yet a CVM member? Join online now and instantly receive discounts on new registrations for upcoming programs. Museum members also receive exclusive invitations to exhibit-related events and opportunities to help steer the museum's future.
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