Become a Member Today

Chippewa Valley Museum is a place to be curious, seek connection, and be inspired. 

What Does Becoming A Member Do For The Museum?

All members help to preserve and share local history through their membership dues. Your membership also:

  • Provides annual educational programs for more than 5,000 local children and senior citizens.
  • Supports FREE admission the second Tuesday of every month for Eau Claire City/County residents
  • Offers public events such as Outdoor Music Concerts, Folk Arts Festival, and walking tours
  • Ensures Eau Claire has a destination museum for residents and tourists

What Does a Membership Do For You?

A museum membership gives you the good feeling that you're contributing to the well-being of your community. 

Every membership is tax-deductible and includes 12 months of benefits. Perks included at every subscription level: 

  • Unlimited museum admission for 12 months
  • Discounts on programs and events
  • 10% in museum gift shops
  • Member-only invitations to special events 

There are also special benefits at different membership levels. Compare subscription benefits

Make a Difference! Subscribe Today!





Unlimited museum admission for one adult

$40 annually


 Subscribe Now





Unlimited museum admission for adults and children in household plus visiting grandchildren 21 and under

$75 annually


 Subscribe Now



Triple Play



Three family memberships in one: Chippewa Valley Museum, Children’s Museum of Eau Claire, and Beaver Creek Reserve

$219 annually


 Subscribe Now 





Unlimited museum admission for adults and children in household

One free guest per visit

Reciprocal benefits to 1,400 NARM museums

$125 annually


 Subscribe Now




History Maker



Unlimited museum admission for adults and children in household plus all guests per visit

Reciprocal benefits to 1,400 NARM museums

One complimentary facility rental per year (up to 4 hours)

$275+ annually


 Subscribe Now 



Museums for All


Family membership for individuals receiving SNAP, WIC, and Medicaid

$25 annually

Contact Jill York, j,,
